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My Album


I present you my new collection, you can listen to it and download it on various platforms. (iTunes, Spotify, amazonMP3, beatport, beatMUSIC, DEEZER, etc.).


Is man still a reasonable animal when his truth has taken precedence over the truth and when in his actions he is guided by reason and not reason? No. He becomes a real brute who dictates his law to all.


It thus transforms its environment into a real jungle, where the only law that reigns is that of the strongest. This is the world of today. The weak are plundered, looted, oppressed and killed by the strongest.


The Jungle denounces this arrogance of the powerful and tells them this wisdom of Ecclesiastes: "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. " Should they still be reminded that they can not do anything against death? Where will their power be? And when the time comes, what will they take? No honors, no wealth, no glory, no power, that is, nothing. Why therefore sow so much hatred and desolation?


The jungle is an album of 17 songs. It has been registered between July 2017 and June 2019 in the USA and Cameroon. His main musical styles are: Jazz ballad, Jazz waltz, Bossa. It is released in November 2019 and it is with great pleasure that I invite you to discover it.

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